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Pratical Infos Around the Ancelin Special Oyster

Your oysters
prepare them, keep them, taste them

Oyster Size

gamme huîtres spéciales Ancelin 17 Bourcefranc le Chapus

Oysters are classified into 5 sizes : from 1 to 5

1 corresponds to the biggest size

5 to the smallest


gamme huîtres spéciales Ancelin 17 Bourcefranc le Chapus

Our oysters keep well on the bottom shelf of the fridge or in your cellar approximately 10 days.
We recommend to lay them flat in their basket, pressed together by a weight on the lid.

The storage temperature must be between 5°C and 15°C


gamme huîtres spéciales Ancelin 17 Bourcefranc le Chapus

Oysters are served fresh. We recommend to arrange them on crushed ice. For the purists, the oyster will be taste plain or with a turn of pepper mill. You can also add a dash of lemon juice.

Homemade terrine (wild boar, rabbit… ) or a crépinette (small sausage) will highlight the oyster taste.

Nutritional Value

Like most shellfish and crustaceans, oyster has a low calorific value : 57 kcal/100g. Even if oysters have few lipids, they have the advantage of being mostly omega-3. Recent studies have shown that these unsaturated fatty acids allow to reduce cholesterol and protect from cardiovascular diseases. The oyster is very nourishing, thanks to its high contain of protein. Oyster contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements : phosphorus, iron, a natural anti-tiredness and antidepressant, copper for a better assimilation of iron and helps to fight against free radicals (antioxidant), selenium (antioxydant properties ), zinc, good for immune system and fœtus developpement. Another advantage, the oyster contains vitamin B and vitamin B12 critical for cell’s functioning especially nerve cells. Finally, this exquisite mollusk, light and stimulant, is thought to contain aphrodisiac properties…


Nous vous proposons dans cette rubrique des recettes traditionnelles ainsi que des recettes originales qui ne manqueront pas de vous surprendre! La Spéciale Ancelin a la particularité de ne pas rétrécir à la cuisson.

Vous pouvez donc la cuisiner dès la N°4. Merci aux restaurateurs qui ont bien voulu nous livrer quelques unes de leurs recettes qui font l'enchantement de leur table et le plaisir de leurs convives.

Open your oysters

Ancelin Special Oyster
Destination taste buds